Hello and welcome to a new day creating the world you live in.
Wherever you are in the world, I hope you're making the most of your creativity.
Life seems so fast these days and we are bombarded with so much information such as social media, which shouts for our time and attention, and we can often forget to focus on what’s important for our creative growth…
…allowing ourselves the time and space to just be…
…to have a creative pause…
…a space to let your inspiration flow…
…time to reflect or simply let new ideas form and incubate…
The Creative Pause is here to inspire you and to help you connect more deeply with your creativity.
How often do you find time to switch off from your daily routine?
Would you say yes to achieving a more relaxed state of being?
I’d like to encourage you to take a few minutes out of your day, maybe sit in your chair with your favourite cuppa by your side.
Close your eyes and simply breathe in and out slowly, relaxing and letting go of your thoughts as you do.
Let your thoughts and any anxieties float away as if they were balloons in the sky.
If your mind distracts you with thoughts, see them passing by, and pay them no attention.
Stay in the space for as long as you can whether it’s a few breaths or a few minutes, whatever works for you.
If this is your first time your mind will probably have been distracting you and it may even have been busier than usual.
Please do not be put off by this. Taking time out for your time has huge benefits and as you progress your mind will quieten, and you will find a wonderfully calm and peaceful space.
Aim for a few minutes a day.
Because the benefits carry on after you have finished.
And, meditation is free!
Maybe that’s why we don’t see the value of what it’s worth.
Yet, as a creative it can increase your imagination and creativity.
What’s not to like!
It’s also a fast and easy way to reduce stress and who’s not anxious these days, it seems we have an epidemic.
Spending a few minutes will calm your nervous system, help you become more focused and feel more inner peace.
Plus, you get an improved quality of sleep.
The benefits are numerous!
And once you are familiar with meditation you can practice it anywhere!
Wouldn’t you like more connection and a more peaceful life?
Learn, create and inspire together!